Monday 30 August 2010

leave your garden gazebo at home...

Adri and I ventured out for our second attempt at camping. Armed with our Wenger lightweight summer tent and even lighter Argo's garden gazebo, we booked two nights on a farm campsite in Holt, close to the North Norfolk coast. The first evening was lovely, just a mild breeze caressing the sides of our tent.

The next morning we headed out to explore the north norfolk coastline and
surrounding villages. From about 10:00 the wind started to pick up quite alot, and by 15:00 had reached gale force status. At around 18:30 we arrived back at our campsite and saw the devastation that had been caused. The field was ridden with the frames of dead and wounded garden gazebo's and tents (just the previous day we walked round and checked out everyone's
gear... as you do). Needless to say we called it a day drove back to Cambridge. Our gazebo survived only because we took it down in the morning before we left; the others weren't so lucky.

We purchased a new sturdier tent this morning, and will be attempting another camping trip this weekend... watch this space.